Monday 16 March 2020

Mistltoe bay

Last week me and my class T1 went to mistletoe bay camp for five day's we went on Monday and came back on Friday has been my favourite camp so far because off how hot and petty it was but my favourite part would  have to be touching the big stingrays and getting to feed thing that i would change next time would be  not taking my bag on the walk.that is my camp i i suggest going there.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Neve

    How are you going in the Level 4 lockdown? Hope all is god at your house!
    I really enjoyed reading your post about your trip to Mistletoe Bay. Sounds like you had a really great time!
    Always good that the weather is amazing too. That would have been great for going swimming!
    Wow! Touched a stingray!!! You are very brave. Not sure if I would do that or not? What did it feel like? Was it slimy?
    What would be the one activity that you would recommend for me to do if I was going there on camp? Maybe not the stingray!!

    I look forward to reading some of your work over the next few weeks! Make sure you check of the Totara site for some cool activities to do at home.

    Talk again soon!

    Mrs Costello :)


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